Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thing 2

Wow to see how so many people are talking about 23 things is refreshing to see. I sometimes feel very alone in my school position. This is a great adventure to see the wider world view. I sometimes get stuck in my same old routinue that I forget about the wealth of information and conections you can make. I am learning some new tricks and renewing my interest in some of the programs I have used already.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Thing 1

This is my first official blog. I have used a blog inside of another program but not a stand alone one. It was quite easy to set-up. I am thrilled to start to use some more of this technology to understand what my students are doing. I had already set up an avatar in yahoo but I did not realize I could export it to other sites. I am already having fun.

Getting Started on 23 Things

I have been wanting to set up a library blog and just never have gotten around to it. I did not realize how easy it would be.